WATCH: BYU Football Has a New Anthem


Photo: Sam Wilder

Every great team deserves a fight song. But a team on the verge of a miracle season needs an anthem.

‘Dreamin’ has become that anthem for BYU.

Earlier today the BYU Football Video team released a tribute to the team that has garnered national attention for two weeks in a row. The hip-hop song is performed by Provo rapper, JamestheMormon and singer Yahosh Bonner.

The song highlights Tanner Mangum, Taysom Hill, and the miracle season that BYU is bound to have.

I got to hop on a phone call with JamestheMormon to ask a few questions about the music video’s conception.

Q: So how’d you get in contact with BYU?

A: Sam Wilder, who works for the BYU Football video department, is a friend of mine and called me up.  He pitched the idea and I thought it was a great time for BYU to have a song written about them. I had the hook the written already, and decided to use it for this song.

Q: How long have you been a BYU fan?

A: I grew up overseas so didn’t have the BYU bug as a child, but during the Jimmer phenomenon I became a BYU fan and haven’t left since. I consider myself a true BYU fan at this point.

Q: Can we expect any more BYU collaborations in the future?

A: If they want me to, I’m open to anything. But we haven’t talked about it.

Q: Can any other players on the team rap that we don’t know about?

A: (Laughing) I asked if anyone on the team wanted to rap and I got no response. So, I guess not.

Enjoy the video here:


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